..the city of Rome, the people, the landscapes and other

venerdì 9 novembre 2007

Plaza of the Quirinale - Piazza del Quirinale

The fulcrum of the piazza is the Fountain of the..Dioscuri, so called because of the two great ancient Roman statues, Castor and Pollux, which embellish the fountain.They were found in the Baths of Constantine and the basin of the fountain was brought here from the Roman Forum.
(The obelisk, which used to decorate Augustus' mausoleum, was only placed here with the fountain at a later date).

Il fulcro urbanistico della piazza è la Fontana dei Dioscuri, così chiamata per le due grandi statue di epoca romana ritrovate nelle Terme di Costantino e poste a decorare la vasca, a sua volta proveniente dal Foro Romano.(Solo successivamente fu collocato l'obelisco che, in origine, ornava l'ingresso del Mausoleo di Augusto).

Looking onto the piazza are several noteworthy buildings
This is the “Palazzo della Consulta”, built in the 18th century to house the papal Court of the Consulta. Today it is the seat of the Constitutional Court of Italy.

Sulla piazza affacciano palazzi di grande rilievo, questo è il Palazzo della Consulta costruito nel '700 per ospitare il tribunale della Consulta e oggi sede della Corte Costituzionale.

6 commenti:

Cergie ha detto...

Très peu de notes de couleurs sur la photo du bas et sur celle du haut un ciel si présent, plein de menaces...
Ces batiments parlent d'histoire, pas toujours très gaie l'histoire d'ailleurs !
Ce qui est curieux est comme on réutilise d'anciens bâtiments pour un autre usage, comme avec les vieilles pierres on rebâtit. Si l'on pouvait rebâtir le passé. Mais du moins peut on miser sur un meilleur avenir...

Nazzareno ha detto...

...si en regardant à son histoire l'homme améliorait, il y n'aurait plus faim ni guerres.

Rob ha detto...

I am amazed by the large size of this piazza, a large gathering space with the historic fountain. Weather looks cold in Roma, -4C this morning here.

hpy ha detto...

Sur la deuxième photo se mélangent la République avec un grand R et le quotidien. Parade et promenade Travail et loisir.(Mais là je dois retourner à mon travail...)

Lori ha detto...

That angry sky is beautiful and dramatic. Rome is so rich in history and culture. Thank you for letting us explore it through your lovely photographs. Have a good weekend!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali ha detto...

such history...no wonder they say all roads lead to Rome :)

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