..the city of Rome, the people, the landscapes and other

domenica 6 maggio 2007

100! :)

100 post, 100 new friends, 1000 new experiences... a hundred thanks to everybody for these emotions you have given me.
Cento post, cento nuovi amici, 100 esperienze nuove...cento grazie a tutti per queste emozioni che mi avete regalato.

5 commenti:

Fénix - Bostonscapes ha detto...

Bravo!!! :o)

Fénix - Bostonscapes ha detto...

Oops! Take two: Bravo!! :o) Here's for another 1000 more.

Anonimo ha detto...

Congratulations. And my first time here too. Your photography is very nice. I like it a lot. Wow.

I hope you get to see the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak that came to Brookville, Ohio yesterday. It is the first one I have seen since we moved here 44 years ago.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali ha detto...

Great!!!! congratulations..:)

Fabrizio Zanelli ha detto...

Ohhh mi dispiace mi era sfuggito il tuo centesimo post. Tanti carissimi auguri perché ne seguano tanti altri... 100 !!!

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"Are you mad about what has been happening inside Iran these days? Well then take a deep breath... blow it all into a Green Balloon... and wait until Friday afternoon to send it up to the sky, wherever you are on this planet. Millions of Iranians inside Iran are planning to paint the sky green on Friday exactly at 1pm Tehran time. The non-violent green movement is being cracked down on the ground, so lets take it to the sky."