..the city of Rome, the people, the landscapes and other

giovedì 8 novembre 2007

Via della Lungara II

In the Via della Lungara there is also the beautiful Porta Settimiana (that covered of leaves).In the Middle Ages, the Via Recta left through this gate. It allowed pilgrims who had arrived in Rome from the Tiber river port in Trastevere to reach St. Peter's.

In via della lungara c’è anche la bella Porta Settimiana (quella ricoperta di foglie).
In epoca medievale da questa porta usciva la strada (chiamata Via Recta) che, attraverso i campi, consentiva ai pellegrini giunti via Tevere e sbarcati al porto di raggiungere la basilica di San Pietro.

Via della Lungara became one of the great streets of Rome and the neighborhood became home to the residences of both the lay and ecclesiastical nobility.

Via della Lungara entrò nel novero delle grandi vie romane e nei suoi pressi nacquero le ville suburbane della nobiltà laica ed ecclesiastica.

6 commenti:

hpy ha detto...

C'est beau avec de la verdure en ville. Et bien necéssaire.

Lori ha detto...

Those oranges are amazing. It looks like they are ready to eat! I love the buildings covered in green.

Cergie ha detto...

Magnifiques les bigaradiers ou "oranges amères" en arbres d'avenue ,dans le sud de la France ou dans les pays du Magreb...
Tu vois, tu avais toi aussi posté un arbre hier, qui est typique d'un climat. Et je vois aussi ces branches de pin....

La porte masquée par les feuilles...L'hiver découvre les secrets cachés sous les feuilles de vigne vierge...
Le lierre ne perd pas ses feuilles l'hiver. On dit que les architectes cachent leurs erreurs sous le lierre et les médecins les leurs sous les ifs des cimetières...

Cergie ha detto...

Plutot que des oranges, on dirait des mandarines.

Nazzareno ha detto...

qui, des petits mandarines.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali ha detto...

This is exactly (the first pic) how I 've always imagined Italy to be ...........narrow cobbled roads, with old fading buildings telling stories of their own ...:)

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"Are you mad about what has been happening inside Iran these days? Well then take a deep breath... blow it all into a Green Balloon... and wait until Friday afternoon to send it up to the sky, wherever you are on this planet. Millions of Iranians inside Iran are planning to paint the sky green on Friday exactly at 1pm Tehran time. The non-violent green movement is being cracked down on the ground, so lets take it to the sky."