..the city of Rome, the people, the landscapes and other

venerdì 19 settembre 2008

Last days in summer - Ultimi giorni d'estate

The night is magic all over the world
La notte è magica in tutto il mondo

houses and people sleep to the shade of the ancient abbey
case e persone dormono all'ombra della vecchia abbazia

...or behind an old front door
...o dietro un vecchio portone

7 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...


Anonimo ha detto...

Excellent collection of images. Love the light in them.

claude ha detto...

Bella notte, nazzarreno !
Vi auguro a voi e ai vostri Tesoro vivono ancora molti anni di amore e di felicità.

hpy ha detto...

Voilà des photos qui me rappellent d'autres photos de nuit que tu as montrées. Toujours très belles. (C'est un peu ta spécialité, mes photos de nuit, non?)

Vagabondage ha detto...

Bonjour Nazzareno,

Toutes les nuances de la nuit sont là.. Dans ces très belles images.

Moi aussi, j'aime traquer la nuit, je voudrais photographier tout ce qui est caché par l'ombre de la nuit...


Bonne journée à toi Nazzareno

lyliane six ha detto...

Derrière cette superbe porte qu'est ce qu'il se passe la nuit?

Nazzareno ha detto...

Non Lyliane, n'est pas la mien malheureusement.

Discover Various Artists!

"Are you mad about what has been happening inside Iran these days? Well then take a deep breath... blow it all into a Green Balloon... and wait until Friday afternoon to send it up to the sky, wherever you are on this planet. Millions of Iranians inside Iran are planning to paint the sky green on Friday exactly at 1pm Tehran time. The non-violent green movement is being cracked down on the ground, so lets take it to the sky."