..the city of Rome, the people, the landscapes and other

mercoledì 12 novembre 2008

Ariccia - S. Maria dell'Assunzione

Ariccia (it is distant few kilometers from Rome)stands over a bowl-shaped valley and it enjoys fine views towards the sea.
In 1657-62 Bernini had worked at the edification of the this Pantheon

Ariccia (è distante pochi chilometri da Roma) si trova su una valle vulcanica e gode viste eccellenti verso il mare.
Nel 1657-62 Bernini ha lavorato all'edificazione di questo Pantheon

5 commenti:

hpy ha detto...

Une autre de tes belles photos de nuit. Je suppose que tu travailles avec un pied pour la stabilité.

Nazzareno ha detto...

Non ... cette photo je l'ai prise en file, pendant que je guidais et je revenais vers Roma

Marie-Noyale ha detto...

Tu as donc un don pour jouer avec cette belle lumiere du soir...

Anonimo ha detto...

Beautiful shot. I love the fading colors in the sky.

claude ha detto...

Ah ! Ce Panthéon de nuit est beau !
Bravo Nazzareno !

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"Are you mad about what has been happening inside Iran these days? Well then take a deep breath... blow it all into a Green Balloon... and wait until Friday afternoon to send it up to the sky, wherever you are on this planet. Millions of Iranians inside Iran are planning to paint the sky green on Friday exactly at 1pm Tehran time. The non-violent green movement is being cracked down on the ground, so lets take it to the sky."