..the city of Rome, the people, the landscapes and other

martedì 28 aprile 2009

Pompei .... e i suoi visitatori
Pompei ....and its visitors

Pompei è la città famosa nel mondo distrutta e seppellita completamente nel 79 D.C., dall’eruzione catastrofica e lunga del Vesuvio, durata due giorni .
Pompei is the famous city in the world destroyed and completely buried, during a long catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days in AD 79.

Ecco alcune foto di questo week end....
Here a few photos of this week end...

....abbastanza piacevoli.
....enough amusing.

9 commenti:

hpy ha detto...

Il y a encore des cendres qui volent.
(Mes escargots ont recommencé!)

Dina ha detto...

The story of Pompei is so amazing. I dream to see it someday, hopefully without your funny tourists. :)
Are they still excavating? Do they need volunteers to dig?

Nazzareno ha detto...

@Dina:at the moment they aren't digging. They are restoring and consolidating all the houses, the roads and the decorations.

Cergie ha detto...

Je suis intriguée par ces colonnes si fines, sont-elles d'origine ? Elles ne me semblent pas être en pierre.
Pompéi est une formidable nécropole : toutes ces vies ensevelies trop tôt qui y ont laissé leur empreinte en creux.
Et la vie continue, sur les versants fertiles du Vésuve...

Nazzareno ha detto...

@Cergie: Les colonnes de la villa sont sûrement celles-là d'origine, mais je ne sais pas s'ils sont totalement en pierre ou seul revêtues, parce que la photo est prise de la route, à travers une grille fermée.

claude ha detto...

Ville de pierres et de cendres, Ville phantôme.
Nous en avons une aussi une ville phantôme en France, rayée de la carte par la barbarie Nazi, dont les habitants, à part deux ou trois, ont été tous massacrés.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali ha detto...

beautiful! thanks for bringing Italy closer to me .... :)

Marie-Noyale ha detto...

Il faut quand meme le faire ...

Visiter Pompei en Kilt!!!
Bravo pour ton coup d'oeil!

Dina ha detto...

Oh, OK. Too bad I never learned to do restoration....

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"Are you mad about what has been happening inside Iran these days? Well then take a deep breath... blow it all into a Green Balloon... and wait until Friday afternoon to send it up to the sky, wherever you are on this planet. Millions of Iranians inside Iran are planning to paint the sky green on Friday exactly at 1pm Tehran time. The non-violent green movement is being cracked down on the ground, so lets take it to the sky."